Everything you need to know about acai pulp.

Ice creams, smoothies, or in bowls, acai pulp is a very consumed food in several places around the world, either for its unmistakable flavor or for the countless nutrients that this small fruit has.

The acai market has 3 types of pulp, which can be used to produce different products and recipes. One of the most frequent questions of those who consume acai or are starting on this business is, what are the differences between the pulps? In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about this wonderful amazon treat.


What is acai pulp?

Acai pulp is a product extracted from the edible part of the acaizero fruit (Euterpe oleracea, Mart.), after softening through an appropriate technological process, and may be submitted to the physical conservation process.

polpa - de - açaí - são pedro -Petruz-

Types of pulps

 Regarding the addition or not of water and their quantities, the pulps are classified and nominated into three types: Acai 8%, Acai 12%, and Acai 14%. The percentages, refer to the edible part of the fruit contained in the pulp, which influences the creaminess.

  • ACAI 8%: it’s the pulp extracted with the addition of water and filtration, it has a lower concentration of pulp and more water, and your appearance is less dense.


  • ACAI 12%: it’s the pulp extracted with the addition of water and filtration, it has a higher concentration of pulp, less water, and a denser appearance compared to the 8% pulp.


  • ACAÍ 14%: its’ the pulps extracted with the addition of water and filtration, it has the highest fruit concentration, a very dense appearance, and is considered the premium option for pulps.

Quality and Safety

When choosing an acai pulp, you need to pay attention to some aspects, to ensure that the acai consumed is of good quality and does not offer any risk to your health.

  • Color: Pay close attention to the color of the product, acai’s natural color is a really dark purple;


  • Storage: The pulp must be stored at low temperatures, to make sure it’s well conserved, the temperature has to be -18º. Once the product is open, it must be all consumed;


  • Packages: The package has to contain the registration number by the Agriculture Ministry (valid only for national products) to ensure that the product complies with health guides, and it also has to indicate that the pulp is 100% fruit, meaning that no other ingredients were added.


That way, you can be sure you’re choosing the tastiest and healthiest pulp.


How to use acai pulp?

As it is a 100% natural product, acai pulp is a very versatile and practical food. It can be eaten in its natural form, the most consumed way in the northern region of Brazil, or as the base for various recipes, such as bowls (with the addition of fruits, nuts, and cereals), smoothies, ice cream, juices, and frozen acai.


Petruz acai pulps offer the original Amazon acai flavor, beyond all quality and safety needed for your business. If you’re searching for a new supplier or are starting in the segment, contact us and learn how to buy our products.