ā€¢ Continuously improve our customers’ expectations, providing them with products and services with transparency, meeting the food safety requirements applicable to our business.

ā€¢ Seek to maintain the profitability of our company, through the continuous improvement of our products, services and processes, increasing productivity and reducing costs.

ā€¢ Encouraging our employees’ commitment to food safety through communication, awareness-raising and the development of their skills.

ā€¢ Encouraging commitment from our suppliers through transparent communication of our food safety practices.

ā€¢ Ensure the continuous monitoring of the Food Safety Management System (FSMS), ensuring its effectiveness.


ā€¢ We are committed to developing and producing Halal products, meeting with excellence the determinations and requirements established in the Holy Quran, in Islamic Jurisprudence and in the pertinent legislation.

ā€¢ We provide necessary resources to guarantee the Halal status of certified products and thus, guarantee the traceability of the entire process in order to offer safe products to Muslims.

ā€¢ Continuously improve the system, updating and adapting processes to new equipment, technologies and market trends to ensure greater sustainability and credibility for the Muslim public.