The Petruz

Health, flavor and energy
Every big tree was once a small seed.

With time and dedication, a seed grows into a glorious tree. So Petruz Fruity Group grew and today it has become a tree with more than 3 decades of history, and its fruits are promoting its values, bringing FLAVOR, HEALTH AND ENERGY to a increasing number of people, in the most diverse parts of the world.

Roots of our History

It all started in 1982 when the Silva Santos Family, immigrants from ParaĆ­ba, moved to ParĆ”, chasing new opportunities e a dignified life through the business in the acai fruit. At the time, the family started to buy the fruit from the state of MaranhĆ£o, and sell it at the Ver ā€“ O ā€“ Peso market in BelĆ©m.

Gradually, the Silva Santos family expanded their business in other areas close to ParĆ” and acquired more knowledge regarding the quality and logistics of supplying acai. Subsequently, the family started to work with small machines of acai, until the installation of the first industrial park in 2005.

All this experience has been passed from generation to generation, which makes the way of processing of Petruz something different and unique associated with an incomparable quality ā€“ price ratio. The company is currently managed by the second and third generation of the family and has more than 30 years of knowledge of this amazing Amazonian Fruit. Today Petruz has sold to more than 30 countries around the world and are physically present in three companies abroad, growing, sharing Flavor, Energy, Health and Education globally and perpetuating generations.


Love: giving yourself to everything you do for people; wisdom: exercise of knowledge for the sake of love.


Cultural Adaptation, Unity, Integrity, Proactivity and Perpetuity.


Share health, taste, energy and education with the world through food, ingredients and biomass.


To be a world reference in sharing health, taste, energy and education through food, ingredients and biomass with sustainability, perpetuating generations.

Why the name is SĆ£o Pedro?

Back in the 1968, on the state of ParaĆ­ba, one of the more than eight children was born, one of the members of the family Silva Santos. Pedro was the name suggested for the child, by religious belief, in honor of one of the twelve apostles of Jesus: SĆ£o Pedro. However, due to family influence, the boy was registered with another name. Approximately eighteen months after his birth, during a June Festival, the boy fell into the SĆ£o Pedro Bonfire. His parents understood that as divine answer from the saint to the familyā€™s disobedience. Over the years several coincidences continued to happen, which made everyone realizing the strong connection between the family and SĆ£o Pedro. It was then 35 years later; the family had the opportunity to give the name SĆ£o Pedro to the familyā€™s long- awaited pulp processing, and to meet the divine guide of SĆ£o Pedro.

Why the name is Bela IaƧƔ?

After the historical relationship of the family with SĆ£o Pedro, the business sector was honored with the beautiful history of the indigenous IaƧƔ, who through her death, brought the discover of a new food supply and one of the greatest treasures of Amazonia: Acai. With this new homage, SĆ£o Pedro became a product line processed by Bela IaƧƔ.

The legend of the crying palm tree ā€“ India IaƧƔ

There was an Amazonian tribe that, due to food shortages, always lived with great difficulties. As the tribe increased with each passing day, the Chief tribe Itaki decided to sacrificed all the newborns at the tribe. The decision had an effect: many moons passed without any native conceiving. However, one day, IaƧƔ, the chiefā€™s daughter, gave birth to a beautiful child. But it didnā€™t take long for the tribe council to meet and ask for the sacrifice of IaƧƔā€™s daughter. Her father, a warrior of his word, did not hesitate to comply with the order. Upon learning of her offspringā€™s fate, IaƧƔ begged her father to saved her daughterā€™s life. The chief Itaki keep his word and the child was sacrificed.

IaƧƔ closed herself in her tent, staying there for almost two days on her knees, praying to TupĆ£ to show her father a way in which was no necessary to repeat the sacrifice of innocents. However, late in the night, IaƧƔ heard a childā€™s cry.

IaƧƔ approached the tent door and, then saw her daughter smiling by a slender tree. After the shock, she launched herself on her daughterā€™s direction, hugging her, but suddenly she came across the palm tree, because mysteriously, the child had disappeared. IaƧƔ, heartbroken, cry until she fainted.

On the next day, her body was find still hugging the palm tree. She was dead, but her smiling face radiated happiness. At the same time her inert, big black eyes gazed up at the top of the tree. Chief Itaki noticed that the palm tree, which was non ā€“ existed and at the time came to existence in abundance in the forest, had a bunch of black berries. He ordered it to be caught and kneaded in a large wooden bowl, obtaining a reddish wine. Itaki thanked TupĆ£, inverting the name of his daughter IaƧƔ, baptized the strange wine AƧaĆ­ (which means palm tree that cries), immediately suspending the limitation of his people.